About School

About School

At G. D. Goenka Global School, Siwani, no student is left behind in acquiring academic and life skills. We, the Goenkans, provide a learning environment that emphasises mainstream education in order to achieve this goal. Students learn best when they participate in the lesson or are valued when teachers encourage them to share their knowledge with their peers. As educators, we recognise the importance of diversity in our classes, and we do not categorise or compare our students with others. We respect all abilities in our classrooms, and we preserve their individual identities.

In accordance with the current thought on the part of educators, parents, and the community at large, the school’s main objective is to prepare children for the future now that the importance of universal education is being questioned. At all levels, education will now be of higher quality.

Teaching, for us, is not about delivering knowledge downloads to young learners, but rather about opening their minds and helping them to grow. We aim to provide them with a comprehensive education, from which they will benefit for the long term.